Today in this blog we will cover what is a “Gel Blaster” and a little history about them. Keep in mind this information was taken directly from Wikipedia and slightly changed. It might not be 100% accurate but will give you a really good idea what Gel Blasters are.

Text and Image Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Altered)
Gel blasters, also known as gel guns, gel shooters, gel markers, hydro markers, hydro blasters, water bead blasters or gelsoft, are toy guns similar in design to airsoft guns, but the projectiles they shoot are 7–8 mm (0.24–0.31 in) superabsorbent polymer water beads (most commonly sodium polyacrylate, colloquially called water beads, hydrogel balls, gel balls, water bullets or simply gels), which are often sold commercially as moisture retainers for gardening and pot/vase floriculture.
Gel blasters are often played in CQB-style shooting skirmishes similar to paintball by squads or local clubs of enthusiasts often referred to as “gelballers”, but follow an airsoft-like honor-based gameplay umpiring system. MilSim games involving players wearing camouflage and dump pouches are very popular, while “SpeedGel” players are more casual with team jerseys and often wear paintball masks. In addition to safety gear such as eye protections, the sport is heavily regulated on the field and players must adhere to safety rules.
What are Gel Blasters: Design
The general design of gel blasters is very similar to airsoft guns, usually comprising a coil spring-loaded piston air pump, with a T-piece ahead of the pump outlet to feed gel beads. The spring-piston pump is either manually cocked (like a spring-piston gun) or more commonly driven by an electric motor-gearbox assembly powered by batteries (mostly identical to airsoft automatic electric guns (AEG)). Whilst the pressure output is identical to most airsoft guns via the use of compressed air, the uneven spherical shape, less weight and greater size of the projectile results in lower muzzle velocity than most airsoft guns.
This nature of the gel ball external and terminal ballistics make them much safer to play with (although protective eyewear is still recommended[1][2]) and very unlikely to cause any property damage. The gel beads are also very cheap, easily transported in packets and only require soaking in water for a few hours prior to playing.
Another feature is the ease of cleaning, since the gel beads are made up of water in over 98% of mass and volume, and will break upon impact and simply dehydrate into tiny biodegradable slush powder fragments afterwards.
Originally, gel blasters used paintball-style top-mounted hoppers (often disguised as fake optical sights) that relied on gravity to load the gel beads when shooting, because the water beads were typically too fragile to withstand even the pressure exerted by a follower spring.
However, in late 2016, bottom-mounted magazines with inbuilt motors were introduced, which draw power from the main batteries (via contact points at the top) to drive a cogwheel that gently pushes the beads up a feeding tube.
This gave a lot more realism than previously and triggered a huge surge in the popularity and market of gel blasters. The recent proliferation of more hardy gel beads on the market has also introduced magazines using the traditional spring follower.
Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Altered)
What are Gel Blasters: Gas blowback blasters
In early 2020, “Kublai P1”, a gas-powered version modelled after the Glock pistol, started to appear on the market. The P1 is essentially the same in design to gas blowback airsoft pistols, and uses refrigerant gas (such as R-134a or HFC-152a) or propane to charge a gas canister built within a spring-follower magazine. The original version is fully polymer, but an upgraded version with metal slide and barrel is available for sale by retailers in Australia. Numerous other manufacturers have followed suit, releasing their own brands of gas blowback pistols.
Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Altered)
What are Gel Blasters: Safety concerns
Safety concerns have been expressed about children using gel blasters. Between December 2018 and May 2019, eight children (ranging in age from four to 14 years) presented at the Queensland Children’s Hospital emergency department with eye injuries caused by gel-blaster guns.[4] In 2019 a 14 year-old presented at hospital with loss of eyesight, pain and vomiting after being struck in the eye by a gel pellet at 10 metres. The injuries caused left traumatic mydriasis, corneal abrasion, microhyphema and an area of commotio retinae temporarily. His vision returned after a few weeks of hospital care.
Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Altered)
What are Gel Blasters: Accessories
There are a variety of products made and produced to complement gel blasters, which feeds from ordinary gel ball ammunition.
Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Altered)
Check GH Armory for the latest accessories
What are Gel Blasters: Grenades
Gel grenades are essentially a bottle with an internal spring mechanism. When the safety clip is pulled and the lever is relaxed, a sear mechanism is released and allows three trapdoor-like hatches on the external shell to spread open, followed by the release of three spring-loaded hinged flaps underneath that “flick out” out any gel beads stored within the cavity between the hatches and the flaps, causing a “shower” of gel beads in all directions. The sear can be designed to release in a delayed fashion, or in response to vibrations caused by impacts.
Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Altered)
What are Gel Blasters: Anti-personnel mine
Gel mines are essentially plastic clamshell containers shaped like the M18 Claymore, with a pair of spring-loaded internal hinged flaps connected end-to-end by a looping piece of canvas. When the mine is loaded, the two flaps are folded down and trapped by the locked-shut clamshell enclosure, and gel beads are stored into the space within the canvas loop via a small feeding window on the front enclosure. The locking mechanism of the clamshell enclosure can be released manually by a tripwire, or by a remote control. When released, the clamshell enclosure opens up, allowing the two spring flaps to flip out like a french door, stretching and flattening the canvas between them, which will launch out all the stored gel beads towards the front direction.
Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Altered)
What are Gel Blasters:Launchers
In March 2020, a gel blaster version of the M203 grenade launcher was introduced to the Chinese market by MAX SUN, which is designed to mount on the underside of another gel blaster’s handguard via a Picatinny rail interface. It uses a rechargeable aluminium gas canister shaped like a 40 mm grenade, whose cap portion has six tubular holes each capable of holding numerous 7mm gel balls. Instead of actually launching the “grenade”, the launcher actually functions like a shotgun. When the trigger is pulled, the launcher’s spring-loaded hammer strikes a valve at the center of the “grenade” base and allows the canister’s stored gas to be released through its cap holes, propelling and spraying out a shower of gel balls towards the target.
Another Chinese company called LDT also introduced a similar “grenade launcher” in the shape of the Milkor MGL, which uses a mainspring-driven revolver-like mechanism that needs to be manually wound before use, and can hold a total of six canisters for repeated discharges.
Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Altered)
Please click here to read about Gel Blasters Legality in Australia
Ok and that ends today’s blog, if you have any questions please feel free to write them down below in the comments section.
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