How to correctly fill green gas magazines? In this quick blog article, we will go over how to correctly fill your green gas magazines.

Questions about the use of green gas are what drive a lot of people nuts about playing with gas-powered gel blasters. 

Things you need to do this task (if you would like to try it out as you read):

Before we get started ask yourself …

When filling the magazines you should hold the gas bottle straight up or upside down? 

How long should you fill up your magazines for? Many shorter bursts or one long fill-up? 

Let’s find out!

How to correctly fill green
Incorrect way to fill a green gas magazine!
How to correctly fill green
Correct way to fill a green gas magazine!

1. Hold your gas bottle upside down

The reason for this is simple physics: gas is stored in a liquid state and we want it to draw into the magazine.

2. Hold it for about 10 seconds then repeat

You won’t be able to load a gas mag all in one shot. The gas needs to settle inside the gas chamber. Press the nozzle firmly in a straight position and hold it for about 10 seconds. Wait a few seconds for gas to settle inside the mag, then repeat the process until your magazine is full, at which point it will start spewing gas around.

That’s it! We hope this helped dispel any inaccuracies acquired from various sources, online and offline. 

In the next blog about gas powered blasters I will go over some basic maintenance steps.

That’s all for now Happy Blasting people! 🙂

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