Note: FAQ: What are Gel Balls – This was information was gathered from various website on the internet, I just modified the information, added information, corrected grammar, wording and spelling.
1.1 FAQ: What are Gel Balls?
Gel Balls are non-toxic, environmentally-friendly, water beads used as ammunition for Gel Blaster Toys Guns (People in the industry and players alike call them Gel Blasters to keep away from the gun culture).
Gel Balls are typically 7–8 mm (0.24–0.31”) in diameter once they have been placed in water, growing up to 200x their original size. Gel Balls are also sometimes referred to as Jelly Beads, Water Orbs, Hydro Orbs, Polymer beads, or Gel Beads. The most popular prefered term is Gel Ball by the majority
1.2 FAQ: What are Gel Balls – How are they made?
The gel ball itself is usually composed of a water-absorbing polymer such as Polyacrylamide, Poly methyl acrylate (PMA), or Sodium polyacrylate. These are often referred to as being a super-absorbent polymer (SAP). The balls themselves are extruded and then dropped into a solution before being dehydrated. Most Gel Balls are manufactured in China. Scientific information on how Gel Beads are made will be discussed in a later bog!
1.3 FAQ: What are Gel Balls – Are Gel Balls toxic?
No, Gel Balls are not toxic, in fact, they are biodegradable and environmentally-friendly. Strangely enough they are popular among gardeners because of their moisture retention properties, so this just goes to show how safe they are for the environment. That being said, we do advise however that Gel Balls should not be consumed internally by humans or animals because they significantly grow in size when hydrated in water.
1.4 FAQ: What are Gel Balls – What are the best Gel Balls on the market?
This is a subjective question and often depends on personal preferences. Size and hardness can all have an effect on the Gel Balls performance when leaving the barrel. The Gel Blaster you choose to use will also have an impact on performance. The best thing to do is to experiment and see what set-up works best for you.
It should be noted that the preparation process of hydrating your GB’s also has a big impact on their accuracy and performance. This includes the type of water you use.
1.5 FAQ: What are Gel Balls – How long do they last?
Once hydrated, you can store them in the fridge. Place them in an airtight container, away from the elements and direct sunlight. If stored properly, they will last around 2 weeks.
For dehydrated ones, they can last many, many years if stored in the right conditions. Obviously they need to be stored in a sealed container and kept away from water, humidity, or direct sunlight.
1.6 FAQ: What are Gel Balls – How should I store Gel Balls?
It is best to store hydrated Gel Balls in the fridge.
Store them in an airtight container, away from the elements and direct sunlight.
For dry (ungrown) ones, they can last several years if stored in the right conditions. Obviously, they need to be stored in a sealed container and kept away from water, humidity, or direct sunlight.
Do not store your balls in the freezer, contrary to popular belief, this will not make your gel balls harder. Freezing will actually make your Gel Balls brittle and more prone to breaking when firing.
1.7 FAQ: What are Gel Balls – Are Gel Balls biodegradable?
Yes. Gel Balls are non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and typically 94-98% water. Because they explode upon impact they will soon disperse and break-down fairly quickly.
1.8 FAQ: What are Gel Balls – Do Gel Balls hurt?
This depends. Typically the pain caused by a Gel Ball is very low. Gel Balls do not cause significant damage or piercing to the skin making them safe to use with friends and family if you follow basic safety precautions.
Obviously the model of Gel Blaster which you get shot by does have an impact on how likely it is to hurt, as does the distance at which you get shot from, and also the type of Gel Ball. Typically, pistol Gel Blasters don’t shoot as hard or as far as the rifle Gel Blasters do.
In most cases being shot by a Gel Blaster pistol will feel like a quick pinch and may occasionally result in a temporary mark.
If shot by a gel blaster, it will result in significant short-lived pain and possibly a small welt that may last a day.
It is recommended to follow basic safety precautions, such as following the manufacturer’s guidelines and wearing PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) like “Safety Glasses” which should ALWAYS be worn when using Gel Blasters.
1.9 FAQ: What are Gel Balls – How long do I soak the Gel Balls in water for?
Gel Balls generally take a minimum of 3.5-4 hours to fully hydrate. It is said to use distilled or demineralized water to hydrate your Gel Balls with. In general it is best to experiment with soaking times to see what works best for you and your Gel Blaster.
2.0 FAQ: What are Gel Balls – What brand is the best brand of gels?
Here at GHA we prefer to use Ausgel Elites.
But it really depends on the person. Some people prefer brand A while others prefer band B and other brand C. Try out all the different brands and make up your own mind.
Most packets of gels come in 10,000 round bags, depending on brands and where you get them from etc.
Here is a list of brands (at the time of writing this blog).
Tenacity/Alpha King AKA
Atomic Armoury
XForce Black Label

2.1 Maintenance
DO NOT leave Gel Balls in the magazine or blaster for extended periods without use as they will shrink/reduce to the point where they return to the ungrown size. This will cause blockages in your magazines, which can stop them feeding and even damage them. It can also cause problems to the blaster itself. After use empty your magazines and make sure the blaster barrel is clear and always wear eye protection when doing this!
Well that wraps up this blog.
See you in the next one 🙂