Swollen LiPo Battery: How to Dispose/Recycle

In this GH Armory blog we will talk about “How to Dispose/Recycle Swollen LiPo Battery”. This can be a real problem that you may face in the near future or already have. Recently at one of our weekend gel blaster games, a LiPo battery started to fail. It is something that should not be joked about […]
What are Gel Blasters?

Today in this blog we will cover what is a “Gel Blaster” and a little history about them. Keep in mind this information was taken directly from Wikipedia and slightly changed. It might not be 100% accurate but will give you a really good idea what Gel Blasters are. Text and Image Source: From Wikipedia, […]
Cleaning Your Inner Barrel

Cleaning your inner barrel is not as hard as it sounds. I hear a lot of people say to clean your barrel with silicone, pieces of paper towels, and leave the barrel inside the blaster. In this guide, I hope to spread some light on what you should really do to get the best accuracy […]
FAQ: What are Gel Balls?

Note: FAQ: What are Gel Balls – This was information was gathered from various website on the internet, I just modified the information, added information, corrected grammar, wording and spelling. 1.1 FAQ: What are Gel Balls? Gel Balls are non-toxic, environmentally-friendly, water beads used as ammunition for Gel Blaster Toys Guns (People in the industry […]
Know Your Connector?

Know your connector? In his blog we will dive into the world of “Battery Connectors”! Older NiCd and NiMh batteries originally had just one main charge connector, while the newer lipo batteries now have two main connectors, and sometimes a third connector (battery packs specifically designed for transmitters). The two main connectors are; main charge […]